Why Pick Up?

yorkshire terrier puppy on green grass field
Photo by Pixabay

Sanitized toilets are essential to a healthy home, just has clean yards are important to the well being of your pets and family. The EPA has deemed pet waste a “Non Point Source Pollution,” which puts K-9 waste in the same category as oil and other toxic chemicals.

K-9 waste kills your grass, it does not fertilize it. It is a protein based matter, not vegetative-based matter like manure. It takes more than one year for petĀ feces to decompose when left on the ground. Additionally, accumulated waste is a major contributor to ground water pollution. It washes down our streets, through storm drains, eventually making its way to our lakes and streams, carrying all the parasites, bacteria, and viruses along with it.

K-9 waste carries many different life-threatening diseases, including Parvo, Salmonellosis, Heart Worms, and more. Leaving feces in your yard poses serious health risks to pets and humans, especially children who are prone to playing in the dirt.

girl and puppy sitting on green grass surrounded with shrubs during daytime
Photo by Leah Kelley on Pexels.com